Good questions to ask in a long-distance relationship

1. What do you miss most about your partner?

2. What could you do to make your partner’s life easier this week?

3. How do you deal with jealousy when you’re away from your partner?

4. Which of your partner’s family members would you like to get to know better? How do you think you can do this?

5. What’s the last thing on your mind before you fall asleep?

6. Is there anything that’s been troubling you lately?

7. When was the last time you cried in front of a friend or work colleague?

8. Can you tell me your life story in 5 minutes?

9. What do you feel most grateful for?

10. What’s a relationship dealbreaker for you?

11. What brings you the most joy in a relationship? 

12. How could you be more responsive to each other?

13. How can I make you feel more supported when we’re not together?

14. In friendship – what is the one thing you value most?

15. What’s most likely to get you in the mood for sex?

16. Over the last 5 years, how have you changed? 

17. If you could take a drive anywhere with your partner right now, where would you go?

18. What’s one money habit that you admire in your partner? 

19. If you were having issues in your relationship, who would you ask for help?

20. What do you regret not doing in the last year?

‘Would you rather?’ questions for long-distance relationships

21. Would you rather jump to the future 10 years or go back in time 10 years?

22. Would you rather never be able to FaceTime me or never people to text me again?

23. Would you rather go on holiday with other couples or just me?

24. Would you rather kiss for 5 minutes or hug all night?

25. Would you rather dance all night or eat an 8-course meal?

26. Would you rather bungee jump or do a skydive together?

27. Would you rather spend your day shopping or on the beach?

28. Would you rather stay up all night talking or listening to music?

29. Would you rather give up chocolate or ice cream for the next year?

30. Would you rather spend 5 minutes with me or 24 hours with my parents?

Fun questions for long-distance relationships 

31. Finish this sentence: “I’d like to give my partner a prize for being the best…”

32. What do you think your partner would choose for their last meal?

33. Which couple (famous or non-famous) do you look up to most and why?

34. What’s one thing about your partner you secretly love to hate?

35. What is your most treasured memory?

36. Tell your partner three things you like about them and why?

37. What would be your most perfect date?

38. What do you believe your partner likes most, in the bedroom?

39. If you could spend time with any of your partner’s friends, what would you ask them?

40. What do you like most about your appearance?

Questions to get to know each other better in a long-distance relationship

41. If you could take a drive anywhere with your partner right now, where would you go?

42. What patterns of conflict did you learn from your parents?

43. What’s the number one area, in your relationship, you’d like to improve?

44. What do you appreciate the most about your partner?

45. How has your partner changed since you’ve known them?

46. What’s the hardest truth about love you’ve had to accept?

47. What’s your biggest insecurity?

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49. Do you have a personal goal you’d like to achieve in the next year?

50. Is there an opinion you have, that you struggle to voice?